Marriage is a sacred union and should be taken very seriously. However, there are many couples who have decided not to marry and they seem happy with their lives.

4 Reasons Couples Avoid Marriage
Here are some reasons why couples chose not to marry:
- They are too young or too old for marriage
Some people believe that marriage is only for the young and that once you reach a certain age, it is time to stop thinking about it.
Others believe that marriage is something that should be done when the couple feels ready and not because they want to please others or because they think they are getting too old for it.
- They find it outdated and expensive
According to a new survey, there are many reasons why people choose not to get married.
The study conducted by WeddingWire, a wedding website and app, revealed that couples are increasingly choosing not to wed because they don’t need the government’s approval to define their love.
The results also indicate that nearly 50 percent of couples consider marriage “outdated,” while another 30 percent said they “don’t want to deal with the hassle.”
More than half of those surveyed said they wanted to avoid the stress and expense of planning a wedding. Others said they thought marriage was too traditional or outdated. Some even believe weddings are “overrated” and that they’re not worth it because they can just elope instead.
- They do not trust each other
Some people find it difficult to trust their partners fully while others will never trust their partners at all. They consider it safer not to get married than give their hearts completely to someone who may break them at any time and leave them heartbroken forever.
- They want freedom
Some people just want freedom in their lives and do not want any restrictions on them when it comes to making decisions or doing anything they like without consulting anyone else first.
They believe that once they get married, their lives will be restricted by rules and regulations which are supposed to apply only after the wedding day.
Last words
The last lot believes marriage is about financial stability. They’re convinced finances play an important role in a marriage because it can affect the quality of life for both partners and their future children.
Author bio
Blair Thomas has been a music producer, bouncer, screenwriter and for over a decade has been the proud Co-Founder of eMerchantBroker, the highest rated adult payment gateway provider in the country. He has climbed in the Himalayas, survived a hurricane, and lived on a gold mine in the Yukon. He currently calls Thailand his home with a lifetime collection of his favorite books.