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Smart way of buying AEDs

Automatic external defibrillators have become popular in most of the communities due the central role they play in handling cardiac arrest cases; there are very many deaths resulting from these heart attack cases. For instance, cardiovascular disease is one of the greatest cause of death in the US, and more than 480,000 adult Americans die every year out of a heart attack or its’ related complication. About 50%, that is around 250,000 deaths result from abrupt cardiac arrest; this is a complication of heart attack.

Over the last 3 decades, research has shown that rapid defibrillation is the most paramount factor affecting the survival rate in adults from the sudden cardiac arrest among adults. AED has also proved to be very safe and simple life-saving device. Specifically, it treats two main causes of the sudden cardiac arrest that is the ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Now you know why the American Heart Association is always in the forefront in advocacy of installation of these medical devices in EMS first response vehicles and the ambulances.

With the above importance of acquiring AED, here are the things to consider so as making the right purchase.

Always start by putting the end user of the device into a consideration. In this, you have to determine if it is for professional use or for the public access. Ensure that the AEDs which are for public access very simple to use and very safe as well. There are new device models which are FDA-approved to be used by the lay public. These models needn’t bother with a solution of approval from a specialist to utilize or get them. In case the patient is prescribed by the doctor to use the AED, choose the alternative models as per the prescriptions.

You also have to consider the brand of defibrillators used by the responding ALS provider. A majority of the AED manufacturers provide different defibrillation pad connectors to make it possible for the transporting provider a smooth hand-off. To save both time and money, the device should be very compatible such that the transporting EMS agency can use the defibrillation pads on the patients.

Pick a producer who has been in the business for a long while. This is because AEDs are critical medical care devices which are complexly engineered. Because of the genuine examination by the administrative bodies in charge of regulating the manufacturing of these medical devices, there are various AED makers, even the legitimate ones who have left the business in light of having item issues. This leaves end users with devices with no spare parts or maintenance services. It is out of this that you have to consider the reputation of the manufacturer very keenly.

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